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Crafting an Exceptional Dental Workplace: 5 Essential Insights for Success (We’ve Found)

February 2024

Since receiving the official honour as being recognised as a Great Place to Work®, we decided to share some the ideas that helped get us there and accredited in such a short amount of time as a network. In the spirit of transparency and building upon of best practices, these 5 ideas have been at the core of all that we do and we hope you can take them away to your own practice and workplace as well.

1. Strike the Balance for Holistic Health

At Impression Dental Group (IDG), the ethos is simple: harmony in work and life breeds health. The team at IDG is offered a suite of resources aimed at nurturing both their personal and professional well-being. With flexible schedules allowing for life balance, mental health days, and Employee Assistance Programs for those tougher times, IDG is about building resilience and vitality in its people.

2. Forge a Community of Unity and Respect

The fabric of IDG’s culture is woven with the threads of every individual team member’s story. The company prides itself on fostering an environment where diversity isn’t just acknowledged but celebrated. Ideas flourish in this melting pot where every voice enriches the collective goal.

3. Champion Diversity and Stand Together

IDG isn’t just talking the diversity talk; they are walking it with a dedicated task force committed to diversity and inclusion. Their Reconciliation Action Plan isn’t a mere document but a roadmap to ensuring a workplace that’s a safe harbor for authenticity.

4. Celebrate the Wins, Big and Small

Recognition at IDG isn’t a yearly event; it’s a daily practice. With initiatives like the CARE Values Awards (“CARE” being the acronym of core values for the network you can learn more about here), the company spotlights the dedication and achievements of its team, fuelling a culture where recognition is as natural as a morning coffee.

5. Invest in Everyone’s Professional Evolution

IDG is a launchpad for personal growth, offering a top-tier education program for its clinical staff, featuring industry experts and cutting-edge learning experiences, while support staff equally are mentored by outstanding leaders and exec teams. The future of dental health is shaped here, supported by a commitment to nurturing the next generation of talent across the board leading to nothing short of clinical excellence ultimately for patients in turn.

The Great Place to Work® certification isn’t just a badge; it’s a testament to the collaborative ethos and steadfast commitment of IDG as a team – and proof that when a company invests in the well-being, inclusion, recognition, and growth of its people, greatness and achievement follow close behind.

Linkedin: Impression Dental Group